Basic information

Team name: Trigram

Project name: Project Trigram

Supported platforms:

Social media links:

Team lead contact: [email protected]

Project description

Project Trigram is an atmospheric dark FPS with a unique twist on gun reloading and elemental damage combos.

The game presents a dark, creepy and claustrophobic atmospheric experience with action-based encounters. You have limited resources, and your only weapon takes a while to load and has to be used strategically.

You have a revolver, but in order to use it, you must manually insert bullets into the chamber, choosing from different bullet types and inserting them in the desired order. Use the right elemental combos to exploit enemy weaknesses!


Someone believed that there is much more power that can be extracted from the 8 chakras than people usually do and they started conducting experiments. This led to a massive explosion of power within the entire facility. The power of chakras transcended beyond the physical bodies of everyone at the facility, leaving them hollow, mindless and corrupted, and their bodies slowly degrading or twisting and stretching into strange shapes.

The power of chakras is now free-floating on the premises. As the only employee who survived the catastrophe, you spent days in hiding, deep inside the facility, not knowing what happened. With no food or water left, you must go out of your hiding and escape!

Your only defence is a gun prototype that you worked on, that is able to capture the energy, fuse it with a bullet and release it back.


The goal of this project was to create a playable vertical slice of the game concept, consisting of a single 10-20 minute long level and a small number of enemies and bullet types, that would serve as a proof of concept, showing the core mechanics and aesthetics of the game.